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Freedom of Speech: Crash Course Government and Politics 

Now that we have explored what the Bill of Rights is and how the amendments within the it offer individuals within society certain liberties, we shall further explore how there is also much controversy surrounding them. After all, the rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights is expressed in words, and words are open to interpretation. Watch the video to see how the language can get a bit complicated and result in some disagreements among certain parties. 

Inside What Happened at the Charlottesville Protests

So the video above focuses on freedom of speech and what freedom of speech is and what it is not. Consider this as you watch these next two videos and journey into the realm of contemporary politics and issues. How does freedom of speech pertain to the issues presented in these videos, and how could things get complicated because of the various  items found in the Bill of Rights?

Supreme Court to Rule on Same Sex Wedding Cake Case

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Adnan Ezad

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Controversies Surrounding Bill of Rights

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