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What is the Bill of Rights, and Why is it so Important?
Your visit to this exhibit will allow you to do online research in order to answer these questions, as you will be endowed with an in-depth understanding of the Bill of Rights, as well as how it has been — and continues to be — an important component in the fabric of American society. Click on the button below to begin your journey through this virtual theme park, and learn the things about the Bill of Rights that will allow you to make connections among the amendments therein, history and contemporary society.

Adnan Ezad
*The creator of this virtual theme park, Adnan Ezad, is an educational practitioner who works as a high school teacher for Jersey City Public Schools and a doctoral candidate in the Educational Technology Leadership program at New Jersey City University. All activities included in this theme park align to New Jersey State Learning Standards and promote higher order thinking and digital age skills.
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